Ruger's Sponsorship Page

Ruger is such a handsome boy! And growing like a weed! At 4 months old, he weighed about 45 lbs, and at 7 months old, he weighed 79 lbs. He has had three rounds of vaccinations and is receiving monthly preventives. He’ll be scheduled for neuter surgery at the appropriate age but can be adopted on a provisional contract that doesn’t become final until after neuter.

Ruger and two puppies believed to be his siblings were dumped in a rural area near the border between Oklahoma and Arkansas. The finder took all three puppies to the vet for their first vaccinations and found homes for the other two. But Ruger needed surgery for his eyes and for people who don’t have experience with entropion, that diagnosis can be a worrisome prospect. The finder reached out to one of our rescue friends who reached out to us. Since we have plenty of experience and a vet who does excellent entropion correction, we were glad to bring him into Bluebonnet. Ruger had entropion surgery on both eyes in May.

Ruger has been exposed to goats but early indications are that he might prefer to be a family pet rather than a working LGD. 

If you’re looking for a big companion, be sure to submit your application here.

Ruger's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
  Sponsor $

---------- OR ----------

Recurring Sponsorship
  Amount of EACH sponsorship payment:
Repeat sponsorship payment every:
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the recurring sponsorship
after a certain number of payments?
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