Demi Daisy's Web Page

Great Pyrenees (long coat)  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Adult  : :  X-Large

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About Demi Daisy

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $200
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: White
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Tail Type: Long
  • Current Size: 90 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 100 Pounds
  • Current Age: 9 Years 3 Months (best estimate)
  • Fence Required: Yes(6 foot)
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate
  • Grooming Needs: High
  • Shedding Amount: High
  • Owner Experience Needed: Breed
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly



This is a two-party story. First, how she came into rescue in the first place ….

Demi is probably the best thing to ever be served in the drive-through lane at Starbucks. :)  She was in the back seat of a customer's car and the barrista commented on how cute she is. The people said – “Do you want her? We’re on our way to the shelter because we can’t keep her.” The barrista practically climbed through the window to get the puppy. She and her boyfriend knew they couldn’t keep the puppy long-term, but they also knew it was in the puppy’s best interests to go to a rescue rather than a shelter.  They connected with Bluebonnet on Facebook, and we met them at the same Starbucks to pick Demi up.

Demi looks like an almost purebred Pyrenees, but she has single dewclaws rather than double. She was just a puppy when she joined Bluebonnet, and we estimated her birthday at 12/1/2015.

As a puppy, Demi LOVED playing in the little blue kiddy pool in our puppy play yard. She splashed in the water and even put her nose under water to blow bubbles, much like a kid playing motorboat. 

Now, for Part Two …..

Demi was adopted while she was still a puppy. She had an adopter who loved her and took great care of her. She was re-named Daisy, and grew up to become a big, beautiful adult. Then, after about two years, the adopter had a major health crisis and had to surrender Daisy back to us. On her way back here, she had a short stay with another one of our adopters, and in there home, Daisy did great with their two Pyrenees (one male, one female), and their two children (kindergarten and primary school ages). Now back at Windsong Ranch, Daisy is assimilating nicely with all the dogs here, large and small. She has impeccable manners in the house -- no potty accidents and no chewing or tearing things up. She is calm and sweet, and has the potential to be a good therapy dog.

If you would like to consider adopting Demi Daisy, please complete the online application here on our website. Be sure to choose DEMI Daisy on the application form, as we have another dog on our website named Daisy.

More about Demi Daisy

Good with Dogs, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Requires a yard, Likes to play with toys, Playful, Affectionate, Even-tempered, Gentle

Other Pictures of Demi Daisy (click to see larger version):

Demi Daisy Demi Daisy Demi Daisy Demi Daisy